High Velocity

This toddler outpaced the camera's autofocus system by some margin as he charged in for a cuddle.

Cyclops and CyclopsJnr had fun on Portobello beach, followed by soft play and a long nap.  Then this afternoon MrsCyclops joined us and we went to the park and the shops.

We spent 5 minutes trying to find a child sized cycle helmet for CyclopsJnr, who was 2 just the other day. In the end we gave up. None fitted, even with some mild percussive encouragement.

We had to buy an Adult Small helmet (suitable for 48-54cm head circumference). When we got home I measured his head. 54cm. We should have got an Adult Medium. That seems very, very wrong for a 2 year old...

We know he has a big head (so big he had a scan to find out what was in there - mostly nothing was the answer - his brain is the normal size) but this is ridiculous.

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