Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Bouncy castle fun

Spent the day at the farm after a drizzly morning walk at the pit mount. Its still lovely up there even in the rain and the kids and dogs had a good run about. The grass at the farm is very long now, waiting to be made into silage so its not much fun walking round the fields there at the moment after rain so necessary to go elsewhere. 

Luca had done his 200m swimming badge this morning then came over to the farm after that. Toby and Eva so excited to see their cousins. They were all really noisy running around the house. Was conscious it was all too much for Dad. 

After lunch we drove to Selattyn to see Paul and Emma come out of the church. We had been invited to the afternoon/evening reception but we leant them the cycle rickshaw we had at our wedding so hoped to see them leaving the church in it. The plan was they would ride a little way from the church, load it into the horse box then stop a little way from the reception and ride it the last little bit. Selattyn is quite hilly and the brakes are very dubious on it so riding the whole way was not an option! However the service over ran and although they managed to have photos outside the church in the sunshine another shower blew in so they didn't end up riding it from the church. We decided to head back to the farm rather than going on to see them at the other end as the kids were getting a bit tired of hanging around. 

After walking the dogs again we headed over to the reception. It was on a farm overlooking a valley with Chirk castle (where we got married) in the distance. It was just the perfect setting and they had thought of everything. It was so child friendly - there was a games yurt, bouncy castle, football, badminton etc. Lots of quirky touches too - the ushers were all in stripey knitted tank tops and cords. 

We had planned to leave around 9.30pm and drive all the way back to ours just so we could have a day at home tomorrow but we were having such a good time we didn't look at our watches till 10.30pm and decided it was then too late for a two hour drive. It took us another half hour to leave as yet another great tune would come on and the kids (and us!) wanted to dance. We finally left just after 11pm and the kids were barely up the drive and they were fast asleep. We decided to stay another night at Mums and tackle the drive in the morning. 

Had a great night and so lovely to catch up with lots of old friends. 

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