Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Mr Blackbird

Had a lovely meal at Piccolino's in Stockton Heath at lunchtime with the family. It's been a long time since we've seen my brother and his 2 daughters. The eldest one(15) had been to New York with the school in April and had a wonderful time. There were 50 of them - I pity the poor school teachers who had to look after them all!

We came home late afternoon to see Team GB win Gold in both the men's and women's relays in the swimming - fabulous. It's been a great meet with lots of medals which augurs well for the Olympics.
I can't get all that excited about the Olympics yet, but once it gets here I will be watching as much as work allows. No time off this year though - in 2012, we applied for tickets to see 13 events but didn't get ANY. I was really upset, but then spent the whole 2 weeks on holiday from work with my mum watching on TV - it was fabulous!!! As you can tell, I love watching sport :))

Ah well, only 5 days work left to go before my next holiday - getting excited now! Tell you all about it later in the week....

Not much of note today to blip and the girls didn't want to be my subject, so the best I can do is Mr Blackbird in a tree in the back garden. I even had to wait AGES for him to appear.....

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