MANY mighty trees.

Spoilt for choice today.
I don't really have a list of "droppable" names, but I'm honoured & delighted to drop this one, copied from a list of people attending the Queen Mother's funeral.
"Lady Elizabeth Leeming and Mr Antony Leeming, the Queen Mother's grandniece and her husband."
She used to be an occasional customer when we were in
J.G. Johnstone's.
Once or twice in the past she has held an open garden day for some charity or other. We were invited obviously to swell the coffers, we thought, with entrance fee.
I wouldn't have presumed to call the Lady a "friend".

Gobsmacked yesterday, in Cranston's Food Hall, when we hadn't seen her and she came away from the queue she was in to invite us to today's open day.
As I said "spoilt for choice" in grounds like that.
The extra is what would have been today's had we not made the effort.

Oh, - w.r.t. the mighty trees:- there were Beeches, the odd Oak and quite a few Sycamores as big or bigger than this one with guessimetric diameters of 4-5', or one and a bit metres.

I was just about to CURSE and give up on the extra, after 5-6 failed attempts to add it.
I think I'll copy the Spiel B4 I hit "Publish" JUST IN CASE.

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