Red Squirrel


Warts and All .....

Go LARGE - I dare you!

I had a really naff night - I couldn't get to sleep, brain in overdrive, so I got up just after 2am for a cup of hot milk in the hope it may help. As I was about to return to bed to try again I realised Middy-cat was out, so decided to call him first. When I opened the door I noticed this toad on my doorstep - how could I resist a shot despite the unearthly hour? So today's blip was taken about 2:30 this morning! I think the toad was rather pissed off annoyed at me for using the flash judging by the disgruntled expression ...
I'm sure we all recall the old fairy-tale where the princess kisses a frog and it turns into a handsome prince - maybe if you kiss a toad it turns into a handsome king instead? Now I know looks are just superficial, but come on - I mean - there are limits! So I rejected the chance to try out that possibility quite rapidly .... lol

I finally got to sleep after 3, meaning less than 4 hours kip last night - oh well, maybe tonight .....

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