A good read?

I finished a book I'd been reading for a long time last week. (It takes me ages to read a book unless I am on holiday, as I only read just before I go to sleep, usually maximum of 3 or 4 pages, and often have to re-read 1 or 2 of those the following night!)

I've got over that flat, 'i miss my book' feeling that you get at the end of a really good book, and now i need something new. I am quite fussy. If it isn't my kind of thing i lose interest quickly. So i messaged my friend Karen who is a big reader. Not big. I mean she reads a lot. She sent me a suggestion, and I plan to go back to Waterstones tomorrow.

Today, however, after a brief lunchtime stroll and before I texted Karen, I could be seen loitering in front of the Waterstones window, admiring their advertising display for this particular book. I took this photo. What grabbed me was the obvious spelling mistake. At least, I hope it is deliberate; surely it wouldn't be in their window if it was wrong. Do I buy this book, in order to read it and find out? Instead of my recommended read? If anyone HAS read this book 'The Reader on the 6.27' could you put me out of my misery? I can't go in the shop and point out their error if it really is a quote from the book...

After leaving work with plenty of time to get to Cromer Academy by 6 for a meeting, I ended up only just getting there by the skin of my teeth due to horrendous traffic jams from the Airport park and ride out of the city.

Henry is going to Paris in July with the school, on a maths trip!! The meeting was to go over the bits us parents need to know, and sign a few forms. What it really does is makes us jealous! Lucky Henry. I'm glad our move hasn't meant he missed out at all on a good year 9 trip. Cromer Academy seems to pull out all the stops and I'm sure this will be a memorable one. All the sights of Paris, a cruise down the Seine, a science museum AND a day a euro Disney! I've said its fine for Jon to wave him off this time....at 3am on 11th July!

I went from the school to get diesel and eventually got in at 7, just caught The Archers and had my dinner which Jon had prepared. Now he has had to go out to be assessed by a formal committee, for them to decide whether he can be a Scout Leader or not!!! They do things different up here, so perhaps the fact that he has been a warranted leader for over 15 years in Cambridgeshire doesn't count?

Only half an hour until episode 2 of the Sewing Bee....can't wait!

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