The Envoy

The news from the backyard is this: things are getting hectic at the hummingbird feeder!  My husband and I spent a half-hour sitting outside in the evening as dusk was falling, and what a show we were treated to.

The feeder was visited by at least two little birds. The first was the little male I've been watching. I think he's new this year. He's very brave, and now his latest trick is that he has taken to sitting on TOP of the feeder to guard "his" snacks from all the other birds.

The main photo is a zoomed shot of the little male. The light was leaving, but even in the fading light, his gorget was shining bright red. In the extra photo, you may view him and the feeder in its entirety.

He also likes to sit on the wire fence that surrounds the hummingbird/butterfly garden, and preen. He preened himself silly as we watched! What a CLEAN little fellow.

He's got a tremendous presence, and I get the feeling he's got big things going on. In fact, I suspect he might be a (very well-dressed!) spy on a secret mission from somewhere. Our backyard is where he recharges his batteries when he's not . . . you know . . . off saving the world.

A female also visited the feeder on several occasions. I believe her to be the long-necked beauty from last summer. She usually comes and eats and then sits in the nearby lilac bush and from there SHE tries to guard the feeder.

Although on this day, she had no time for sitting. As soon as she finished eating, all hopped up on sugar-water, she began chattering and dive bombing the feeder, over and over and over! Wow! What aerial acrobatics! *clap-clap-clap* What a show!

I was listening to some outstanding Warren Zevon tracks this morning, and the song that sprung immediately to mind was The Envoy! So that's the soundtrack tune.

"Things got hot in El Salvador
CIA got caught and couldn't do no more
He's got diplomatic immunity
He's got a lethal weapon that nobody sees
Looks like another threat to world peace
For the envoy
Send the envoy
Send the envoy"

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