campervan man

By campervan

I am susceptible to suggestions

This photographer lady appeared on my facebook today " how to take better flower pictures. Well obviously this was a winner to me. Think about what you want to do and plan it in advance she said. OK sorted.
Amoungst her ideas was "change your perspective"  with added ideas about using the flash to retain the blue sky. I thought I understood all this so the plan is to photograph the apple bloosom from a kneeling or lying possition, full zoom and with flash. (I only have the one on the camara)
This is the end result. I liked her ideas but need a more practice in executing them
She also said "forget about the flower, and think only about shapes and colours". Well tried that several times. Enough said on the subject
Her ideas were interesting and as I do lots of flower shots I will try some of them again.
Another quote "Do something you have never done before. Find your inner artist" Unfortunately my inner artist was out for lunch or possibly longer.

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