Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Bully for me!

So I took my own advice and finished early today as the sun was shining - at least it was when I set out!
I had some meetings this morning so decided to take a couple of hours off this afternoon and make it up this evening. I'm lucky that my boss is very flexible and allows us to do this when we are working from the UK.
Headed off to Risley again as it's closest and after a quick walk around, sat in the woodland hide for an hour.
Things were very slow to start with and apart from an abundance of grey squirrels, there was not much about.
Then as I was about to call it a day, all my favourites appeared one by one. First the woodpecker arrived making a right old racket, then the Jay flew across looking for peanuts - there weren't any. And finally the bullfinch pair came out to play with the robins and tits.
I finally returned home and straight back to work, and apart from half an hour for dinner(which my husband kindly made), I didn't stop until 9:30pm. I think I more than made up for my 2 hours off (and one of those hours, was my lunch hour!)
Hope you like Mr Bullfinch - he was lovely and stayed quite a while :)

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