Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


Rode the bike to olney. Its maiden voyage and harder than I expected with a toddler on the back. Tried the field but too wet so hurdles the barricade to join the main road.

He cried the whole way there and threw stuff in the toy shop while stamping his feet and sporting a snotty nose.

I did the classics parent bribe of buying food to pacify.

He then did the jelly legs trick where walking was not an option without dislocating his arm. He also liked laying flat on the concrete.

Library recklessness occurred.

Jelly legs on departure. I picked him up. That was wrong so he moved himself into some kind of restraint move before going to jelly again and wanting to lay on the pavement.

Got back to bike.... He fell asleep instantly. Powered up the hills terrified my sleep drunk boy would topple out.

Literally. Genuinely. Seriously. Could not walk up the stairs once i got off that bike. Unfit or what!

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