Solomon's Seal
Lot's of wonderful flowers to photograph in the garden at this time of year and very hard to choose which one to share. I love the Soloman's Seal flowers and I thought maybe I'd better share this one before the sawfly caterpillars start their job of stripping the leaves. They do this every year, but the plant seems to recover and always grows again as strong as ever. Taken on an early morning photography walk around the garden when the sky was beautifully blue and clear. Later it clouded over, so a good choice for photographs.
Some printmaking for me in the afternoon, and a return to an earlier woodcut plate to try and give myself some inspiration ('m struggling at the moment to find inspiration). They were originally done when I was exploring ideas linked to the cranes in Antwerp Docks and the metal structures of the steel works along the Sheffield Canal. I enjoyed my few hours printing and I love the new colour combinations and think this should be a time for experiment before I launch into my next project. (see extra)
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