From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

You are a perfect brick!

Remember the Famous Five books (Enid Blyton) when someone was always saying things like 'Oh you are a perfect brick, Dick!'
(Snigger!) Something like that anyway...

As you can see, there is no such thing as a perfect brick, not in an old house anyway. I took about six pictures out in the back by the outside loo. That last one was with HDR on and the colours are richer I think. I think you've guessed by now I left it a bit late again!

I was going to be really predictable here and put more Pink Floyd on but instead I have decided to add the theme tune from one of the finest British drama series ever made. It features English brickies, a plumber and electrician working in Germany initially, although they got around a bit in later series. I have all the discs and watch them constantly.

That's Living Alright - Auf Wiedersehen, Pet!

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