A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

WidWed29 :: Yellow

When is a yellow line not a yellow line..?

When a T has been added but try telling a traffic warden that!

For years I fought my local council to get rid of some yellow line outside my house. At the time I had my daily driver, a classic and 2 daughters with cars. Four cars and only 2 spaces.

By the time they got around to suspending the line we didn't need the space...

So to stop commuters parking I park my car there anyway. The only problem is the council hasn't removed the old line. This has 2 consequences. 

Firstly the commuters still think it's yellow line (that's a good thing) but so do the traffic wardens (not so good). Today was the first time I had seen them in the road for months. They pulled their car alongside mine then parked on the yellow line to issue a ticket.

Big mistake. I pointed out to the young lady her error by pointing out the T. She had to agree.

Parking is a major issue in our road as we are so close to a train station and shops. Another resident had parked on the wrong side and forgot. Whilst a friend went to warn the owner I called back the warden to discuss the local problem. She had started to enter details of the car into her machine but stopped to talk.

By the time I had finished talking to her she turned to see the offending car driving off... ;o)

I used my 7mm lens and cropped to 16:9 for this effect.

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