Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Blip 900

and what a way to land, with my first ever live show, angelina ballerina the mousical!
Daddy took me, it was a present from my new baby brother,
(Bribery in other words! :P)
I had such a fantastic time, I danced and I clapped, and I sang, and I joined in and I grinned all through the whole thing, transfixed by this magical event in front of me!
I didn't want it to be over, but sadly, as with a lot of things in life, all good things must come to an end sometime,
Like this journal,

Mummy has decided that this is my last official blip on this journal, she has had the full membership moved to another account, and this one will not be used as it once was.
This hasn't been an easy choice for her, but how many children (Unless a blipper!) can say they have 1000 photo's one for every day of their life so far
(900 on blip, 100 were backdated, but they have now been deleted :()
She could continue, but the stories are no longer, I do NOT like my photo being taken, and their is no major changes in me now, as I have grown from a baby into a beautiful little girl.
She may occasionally upload from my own camera and throw one up, I love to do self portraits and take pics of pretty flowers and sometimes my little brother.
Her other journal, is my brothers, her pregnancy journal, she will be turning that into a family journal and focusing on the photo's there now, So I will still often pop up :)

She could keep going here, but doesn't see the point or need, a photo a day no story can just be done on a file on her comp, ready to eventually be printed off, We thank every single one of you for the comments and subscriptions and hearts over our time here,
She wants to link to some of her favorite memories :) Thank you blip for giving us a fantastic place to journal over the past 2 and a half yrs :)

(in no particular order!)

Blip 500
Blip 800

~Daddy's fav photo
~1st shoes
~1st Crawl caught on camera
~Promised the world
~4 Generations
~Victorian girl :P
~crazy fernie!
~Mummy discovering fun water shots!
~playing on Plymouth Hoe
~Blip Meet :)
~shiney thing
~cold paddling pool!

OH I could link 850 ish pics quite happily, but the ones above stand out the most to me.

Thanks again, and as said this journal won't go completly, it will just be quieter :)

Lots Of Love Fern-Willow xx

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