A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


A few more green shoots today. The new timings of the medication last night definitely seemed to help.

I have had a T&M person's dream day today...everything has bumped into each other and somehow worked perfectly. A child was delivered to school, a dog was walked, a friend who is having a bit of a stressful time has been visited, a swim has been swum, a boy has been fed (many times), actually many people have been fed, beds have been changed, food has been bought (and packed in the right bags), a girl has been moved between netball, acro dance and home, a small piece of work was ticked off, medication has been administered and some home admin has been administrated. And I even had some book reading time.

And as a very special bit of icing on the cake that was today I got some fabulous feedback from my client work yesterday and the potential for some more.

Lesley x

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