What did I see today...?

By DaveR


And a guest Blipper!

To give Alyson a decent excuse for not playing rounders she became official photographer today - it also meant I could be in the shot (dead centre as it happens, excellent camera skillz) on what turned out to be another one of the random days of summer we're getting this year. We've had a couple earlier on in the year - but this was definitely the first of what we'll remember - mostly down to Adam and Hazel's excellent timing in organising a BBQ on the day. Given Australia Day falls at the end of January, it's never really suitable weather for them to have a BBQ, so they dealy it by six months - and voila - they have started our summer off in style!

The day (when I eventually woke up, following the marathon effort of yesterday) was very chilled and relaxed - exactly what was needed. Rounders was great fun, I made an extra special effort to dive around and was pleasantly muddy after a few dives here and there - and a couple of good catches (and too many near misses!). After rounders it was back to Adam and Hazel's for the BBQ followed by sitting around, lounging, chatting and passing away the afternoon pleasantly with friends and other good company, all in all a perfect way to continue the weekend.

Post that I joined Alyson and Fe in town for more drinks in 'The Emperor' - solely because it has a beach in the beer garden and lounging in deck chairs was too good to miss.

And, as an added bonus*, after two years of hideous service someone finally stole my bike - shopping for a new one starts on Monday!

*And no, I'm not lying, it really is a bonus - while it may have been 'Old Faithful' it's also been the bike from hell and has needed a change for some time. I almost feel sorry for the person who nicked it - as I've not done any repairs beyond it's final £10 limit it needs new tyres, a rear brake, front brake pads, oiling (mostly due to recent weather), a saddle that doesn't rip clothes, mudguards that work, new pedals and possibly new bearings. Almost sorry ;-)

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