Floating assets

It has been a long day. The effort of going to bed for three hours sleep hardly seemed worth it as the alarm announced it was 3.30am, but the airport parking had been booked from 5am and I was determined to get my money's worth – although we still managed to arrive late. My fear of having transposed a digit in my passport number when booking the flight and being turned away at the boarding gate once again proved unfounded. One of these days I'm convinced I'll be right about getting it wrong. Perhaps next year, the law of averages has to happen sometime, but not this year it seems.

In fact nothing went wrong at all. The flight went smoothly enough despite the obligatory drunk wandering up and down the aisle visiting his mates who were scattered carelessly throughout the plane. The taxi drive to the hotel was quick and pleasant and the room was just what I'd asked for. It all seemed to be going very well right up to the moment we fell asleep immediately after unpacking all the stuff we had crammed into our suitcases only a few hours earlier.

Which is why you have a night shot of the harbour at Palma and a balcony scene – only not the one from Romeo and Juliet.

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