
By Beewriter

Pose for me....pleeeeeease!

I had planned a lie in this morning as I was up late faffing about with yesterday's photo, but I woke up early and tossed about until I finally just got up. I had decided to make a poster of my 42 pic and get it printed for the people who helped me, so I loaded the memory stick and went to town.

Now, I have moaned and groaned about the new bus lanes and new buses....but I take it all back. I'll never be the biggest fan of buses but it was brilliant today. I was in town before I knew it. I headed to Jessops and left them printing my pics then I headed to the Northern Quarter to find the latest art work in the Street Art Convention. Quite a few other people were around with cameras looking for the works too. I started chatting to a man who is a sonic artist....he described his work to me like this: as an abstract artist uses colour to portray his work he uses sounds in a similar fashion. I shall have to look into this as it sounds (no pun intended) very interesting.

I walked and walked and walked...and I found quite a few. This dapper dandy was posing for his girlfriend and was quite happy to pose for me too. I eventually needed to rest my weary legs so I went for lunch. I rarely go on my own and I don't know why because it is quite liberating. I then picked up my pics (the guy who printed my pic was also a huge Hitchhiker fan and we geek talked for ages) and then headed for the bus stop.....only making a teeny diversion to visit Sheila in the Donor Centre. 

The traffic on the way home was dreadful....but I was on the bus! I whizzed past it all and was home in no time. I delivered some 42 posters to the hairdressers, the barbers and the salon.....they were really pleased. I also primed them all for further photos in the future he he watch out for them!

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