Follow the leader

Finally feeling more human! Had my exam deferred to after half term which is a massive relief! Also had Smallest home with me all morning after a night of high temps (39.5) and sore throats!

By lunch time he'd rallied and claimed to feel well so I took him back to school! I then returned home and promptly crashed out for 2 hours do perhaps not well as I thought...

Dentist for 3/5 of us - I'd cancelled mine and Smallest's as I figured out dentist wouldn't fancy poking about near our rancid throats. He was indeed relieved when I explained why 2 of us weren't hopping into his chair.

An uninspiring Muckies for tea - it tasted 'wrong' - then dropping off Princess then the Big 2 to their various clubs, a couple of errands and home to draw up job lists. I think lawn mowing might be high on the list.

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