
By LadyPride

Moody child. Just add sleep and water.

Temperamental three year old killing holiday vibe update. We put her to bed. Yesterday afternoon. She slept for almost two hours and woke up a different child. Then we let her play in the pool for a few hours. Total transformation.

It was like getting her back. And it improved our moods too. Along with half a bottle of wine and a very silly dinner in which we joked and laughed as a family for the first time in weeks.

Angus was giving Squidge French fashion tips and pointing out well dressed passers by. Very amusing when unbeknownst to them I snuck round the back of the table and did a clumpy comedy walk past them flicking my hair and rocking my head back and forth. We couldn't stop Squidge laughing and squealing "It's Mummy ha ha ha look Daddy it's Mummy!!!!"

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