Young Fledgling

I'm pretty sure this is one of our fledgling Dunnocks?
  It had been in for a bath,which I missed! And was drying off under its arms.Sorry wings,in the morning Sun.
   The sequence should have started with the extra photo.But I thought this was the more amusing shot?

On a technical note.The morning was very overcast.And I always shoot with my D800 set on auto ISO.This allows me complete control over my aperture and shutter speed.I normally keep it at 1/250 @ F8 with my Sigma 150 -500 fitted.
 The reason I say about this is that some of my shots were coming out at  10,000  &  11,000 ISO .
  Would never have done that a few years back?   lol

Hope you like! These are @ ISO 560-900

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