Once Upon a Lifetime

By Seabreeze

An evening at the Beach House

Today I managed to plant my tomato plants and planted up some tubs on the patio , although it remains to be seen if they survive while I am away , despite asking hubby to make sure everything is watered !
I made a curry from scratch this evening . The recipe said blend the sauce until smooth , but somehow , whilst blending , it leaked from the lid, and ended up on walls and everything in a six foot radius ! So much for my efforts , but hubby said the end result was lovely , so I will go ahead and freeze what's left (enough for an army!)
After cleaning up the disaster zone , I went to the Beach House , a local bar which is very popular along the seafront , and saw they had Gin, with cardamon pods and a slice of orange with Fever-Tree tonic , so I had to try it out - and very nice it was , too !
Now relaxing before the weekend begins ! Hope you all have a good one .

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