Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Rigging the Boat

Today, looking back on my sketches again from the first course I did 2006/2007. I found the triangular picture I made. At the time I was exploring different viewfinder shapes and thought it was fun to use a triangle. The tutor assured me that no-one had thought of that before~there had been oblong's, circles, squares, but not triangle used!

This was one of my favourite creations on the first course! Tissue paper, watercolour pencils, string, brown paper, and thread in a 'mixed media' :)

The artwork was based on the photograph on the left. This was from a trip I made on a boat when holidaying in Lefkas, Greece in 2006. What a beautiful day that was, compared to a boat trip the previous year out of Kyrenia in Cyprus :)

(The boat trip from Kyrenia in 2005, several of us were very ill (probably food poisoning), the sea got very rough and finally we ran out of fuel in the middle of the ocean!!! Yes a holiday to remember, but not in the right way!)

Cooking gammon and making salad for lunch, followed by strawberries and lemon sorbet. Then I'm off to work...

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