Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Friday -- The Celebration Continues

Anniversary celebrating took us to Carino's Italian Grill just north of where we live (our anniversary is in two days). I wanted to go to an Italian place in the south part of our city, but the traffic heading south this evening, on the front edge of this holiday weekend, caused us to think seriously about our direction and to stay off of the freeway.

Actually, if I could honor my taste bud's desire, we would have gone to Polino Salerno Italian Restaurant in Laguna Beach; Salerno restaurant was started in 1975 by New York Restaurateur Tony Manzi. Tony brought traditional Italian fair to Laguna Beach. Chef Carmelo started in 1976 and Polina came on as a waitress in 1979. After working for Tony 22 years, she bought the restaurant in 1995 , and continues to serve the same great recipes to loyal customers. It's a favorite place, but heading toward the coast in this evening's traffic would make no sense.

While we were heading to dinner, a friend who I had not heard from in quite a while, Kelli Ferguson, sent me a message that she and hubby were planning their 25th anniversary, which is in December, and wanted to know our opinion about an upper Mississippi River trip. Our first response was quickly, "Do it!" We've traveled on many of America's rivers. We've loved each cruise.

So the Memorial holiDay weekend has begun.

Rosa (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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