Too Long....

Its crazy how time flies so fast.

The last time all 3 of us Girlies got together was at Shelleys Wedding - 3 years ago!!!! We were the best of mates. Then things just get in the way and life becomes quite hectic. Well it certainly did for Shelley anyway as she had baby Number 4, got married and moved to an AMAZING house but after a time hop picture from her wedding appeared on my Facebook I decided to get in touch and organise a get together. A week later - here we are!!!!

It was a great evening and I even got quite tiddly. Im not a great drinker but they just kept filling up my glass so I kept drinking it!! Shelleys house was just incredible. My whole house could fit in just her kitchen and she's also a Heart lover like me as you can see.

Must try hard not to let another 3 years go by before we sort out another catch up, but judging by the traffic going through the Whats App group I don't think its going to be long before the next Booze up!

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