Paddling in Pants

Today we have gardened. Oocha- long overdue.
Took the girls to Stonehaven for a fish supper. Nelly had a brief excursion into the sea but it was so cold she thought she was going to pee herself. Cue holding herself and wailing, me trying to help her have a country tinkle and hysterics from all three of us. Even though it was nearly 7pm The Bay had a very long queue- I stood in it for ten minutes before we decamped to the Carron. So we had our fish supper on the beach but Nelly was hopping around clearly bursting so we had another attempt at a country tinkle that went disastrously wrong leaving her bare bummed. I had to get Betty to give her her tshirt to cover her modesty.
So today I have learned that Nelly is now too big for me to hold for a pee.

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