
We said good bye to Our Guest today and on the trip down to Waverley Station he got the full Scottish treatment, namely just as we stepped from the bus the one o'clock gun went off, he saw the castle looking pretty damned splendid in the sun, he heard and saw a bagpiper, and was able to buy a bottle of Irn Bru for the journey home. The only thing missing from his bag was the souvenir tin of shortbread (with the tartan packaging).

Fabulous to have him stay with us and he's welcome back any time. He knows how much we think of him so I ain't going to gush, after all he's got to his 15-year old reputation to keep intact and if one of his mates should read me getting all you-know about him, it'd be in tatters. Say no more.

Bit of music. Location of the top half of this blip is undoubtedly familiar to most Edinburghers, I saw Nick Cave there once many years ago and I was listening to one of his off-shoot projects earlier. So I'll leave you with just these three simple words. Get. It. On.

[All the antipodes]

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