
I fell in love with this door at the church in Woodbastwick. I had picked Caitlin up from her friend's, then dropped her at work and as me & Arwen didn't have anything planned for today, we decided to take the scenic route home, which lead us through Salhouse, Woodbastwick, Ranworth & Acle. We had to go to Acle anyway as we had to pop to the post office to see if Arwen's passport form was correctly filled in (again!). Thankfully it was - after 5 attempts at it, I was so happy I could have wept! - so that is now in the process of being done & should be back with 3/4 weeks.

The rest of the day, well, I've done some housework, Arwen's been on a bike-ride and been the paddling pool and that's about it. A nice relaxing start to the 6 weeks holiday.

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