Having carried my little mirrorless CSC Canon around in my handbag for over 2 years now, it was wrecked. The lens was scratched and it needed a good overhaul because various things had stopped working. Jessops persuaded me to buy an Olympus Pen Lite also mirrorless with interchangeable lenses but more choice of lenses.
You will know that when you get used to a camera's menu system you are lost when you pick up a different make. So I booked onto a discounted (because I had just bought a camera) Jessops photography course with the aim of using the tutor to teach me how to use the camera as well as filling in many gaps in my knowledge . I bought the camera Thursday and did the course today, Saturday having spent 2 days on auto because I couldn't figure it out. It was a really excellent day. This is Dom demonstrating compression when you use low and high F stops . Apparently I can use my phone to operate it remotely . Its very high tech. I need a young person to help me,
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