Perfectly Camouflaged...
...or not!
An early walk this morning to avoid the heat of the day that is yet to come. At 8:30 a.m., it is already 26 C and feeling very humid. This lady is not complaining though...just I know that walking later will not be a smart idea!
I came upon this Grackle who was not moving and sitting with its mouth open on the ground. Usually Grackles fly away very quickly and do not let you come close. I threw a peanut to see if he would react....and he happily grabbed the peanut, then just sat there again. So odd...but he looked lovely sitting amongst the greens.
My extra is the Cormorants who have a rookery by the lake. To get to this place, I had to stop and let my presence be known to a young couple..."Sorry to bother you. If you would like to cover up, I just need to get by..." Ooops....I hope they laughed about it later like I did ;)
Have a wonderful Sunday!
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