Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Sunday Walk

A 4 Mile walk this morning with my Mum and Alfie to start the day, then afterwards some Peaky Blinders on Netflix to relax the aching feet before a couple of hours in the garden tidying up the front.

Roast Beef has been in the Slow Cooker since early this morning, just to finish off the veggies; it's carb-out day today so roast tatties are on the menu, think I might just add some Yorkshire Puddings in there too.

Had word back from a Modelling Employment Agency that are keen to give Aiden a 3 year contract, I'm slightly hesitant as 3 years is a long time to commit to a company, plus just this morning I read some negative comments about this particular company, it could just be sour grapes from some people but it's made me think twice and look into things a little deeper. She's really excited as it would be a dream come true to get into modelling/acting but there are loads of sharks out there.

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