
Look at him.  Little ball of fluffy loveliness.
We took a return trip to Martin Mere (and are now fully paid up members).
Mooched around and discovered sections we hadn't seen last time, including "The Duckery" where all the little ducklings are nurtured before being released into the main areas.
We missed the otters (hiding, following their feed) and the cranes (we must have missed that section).
Corin demonstrated his talent for mimickry as he tormented a whistler duck with a remarkably accurate reply to the duck's call.  The poor duck was clearly confused by the sound coming from the giant sat drinking tea close by!
It was sedate, which is exactly how Sunday afternoon should be when I am trying not to set myself back.  I am knackered again now.
Some extras (including synchronised flamingos and a jumping drake)

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