
You see some strange site on the island of Arran! This morning I saw several clowns, a uicyclist and a man walking on stilts , they were all young and were some sort of Happy Clappy lot but fun to look at. This afternoon, my pal and I were driving round the north end and we saw this peacock so we pulled the car off the road to take a photo and sure enough up went his tail. Me being me wanted a closer shot and at this point mr peacock decided no more tail so my pal had a brainwave; she went onto you tube and looked for the mating call of the male peacokc and sure enough up it came! so we played it back to the peacock and did the bugger no rush the car and try to attack my prescious camera then he ran round the other side and had a go at Mel, then he ran onto the road and as the place was right on a bend we were terrified someone would come round the corner and squish him so I backed the car onto the road and mr angry bird was still chasing us for about 20 feet squaking his head off! Boy was he angry but we had a good laugh. Evening was devoted to the pub quiz and it was all about the Olympics and the last question if you got it wrong you lost 4 marks and our final score was -40 while the winners had 67! still we had a good laugh.
Weather fine too so thats a bonus.
Happy blipping all

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