Memorial Day Eve


Sunday is a day of rest...
so, I really had no interest...
in doing anything.

Sunday is a day of rest...
so, I always try to do my best...
to do nothing.

Sunday is a day of rest...
so, all I did was get undressed...
back into my jammies.

Sunday is a day of rest...
so, I just layed there in my nest...
and watched golf.

We did go to church this morning, and then treated ourselves to a nice lunch. Later, after napping, we took a ride in the see what we could see.

We only saw 5 cranes and 2 deer.

There were a lot of people (and a lot of photographers) at the national cemetery, and there were flags in front of every grave. Lisa wanted to see where our friend Doug was  buried (He passed last September.)

I liked the way that the sunbeams were shining down. With a slight move, and getting down on my knee, I was able to put the beam right on Doug's headstone.

Almost like God above was smiling down on our friend Douglas.

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