I Spy

We've had a non stop busy day today.

First stop was swimming this morning. I didn't realise there was an Aqua Fit class on in the pool on a Wednesday morning, so we were restricted to half the pool. Kerr kept trying to copy the instructor and do the exercises!

Next we went to Asda and did a much needed food shop. The cupboards are no longer bare. Home for a very quick bite of lunch, then out to a midwife appointment.

We heard the baby's heartbeat on the doppler for the first time today. I also got some bloods done. I'm now 15 + 4, and I think the sickness is starting to ease off a bit. It's more dry wrenching now than actual vomit. Happy days :-)

Straight from midwife to Kerr's friend J's house for a play date. It has been a glorious day so we all sat out in the sun while the kids played. Maybe summer has finally arrived.

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