campervan man

By campervan

A welcome sight

Its not a very good day for weather here, its cold and overcast and windy. I have still been pottering about outside, a bit of planting, some digging and some sorting.
Disaster struck about mid afternoon just before I planted the french beans. Having filled the wheelbarrow with horse poo to bury in the trench I found I could not push it forwards. I could drag it backwards but only with difficulty. It was then I found it, the tire was flat ("but only on the bottom" -  especially for those who like very old humour). I have now taken the wheel off and using a bowl of water done the bubble test. I found the leak but also found the whole outer was split. So no repair, just a replacement needed. So no wheelbarrow for a few days.
On the plus side, if this is the level of my disasters, my life can not be too bad generally. 

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