Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Margaret Merrill Rose.

  ....... A garden rescue Blip (EB) 
    Have been somewhat busy these past few days. Mainly gardening before the rain that is forecast for Tuesday and also making two small items in the workshop. One is for our Son in Law which is a special type of bung for a 'Kelly Kettle' and the other a resized lid for a salt cellar.
    I have been a bit lapse in commenting recently, for which you have my apologies.
I have been looking at your journals though.
    Other news, Mrs B going down to surgery 2-3 times a week with having those nasty ulcers on her legs and feeling extremely tired as well. However Mrs B is a fighter and has been doing some cooking for the freezer so we have a good stock of ready meals.
    Hope you are all well and you have had a nice Bank holiday weekend.
Take care.

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