Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Passing the token

I had planned to get this shot but hadn't really thought too much about how I was going to see through all the black smoke that would be blasted up into my face. I had no option but to point the camera in the right direction, hold it out in front of me and take a guess as to when the token would be held out of the signal box. Will do better next time. 

The shot and the extra were taken at Ramsbottom Railway Station. Ramsbottom held a special 1940s day today and many people where suitably dressed. It was interesting and I enjoyed it but I am not too sure about what seemed, at times, to be the over glorification of war. 

I am doing an online course in propaganda and ideology, and thinking a little bit more than usual about how things are presented and portrayed. 

P.S The steam trains run regularly between Heywood and Rawtenstall.

P.P.S The token system is used on single lines. This prevents head-on collisions. There is only one token and if you haven't got it, you can't go down the line.

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