
By Dotty


Teddy, not me. I’ve been hobbling.

I had few words yesterday: running the marathon was an experience I’ll treasure forever. Layla and I have supported each other through thick and thin, one leaning on the other at various times through our adult life. There is no other human being I’m closer to. Running the marathon together was a celebration of our shared history and a brave new future. It was also, for me, a vanity project. I’m 15 years older than Layla, nearly 50 and I wanted to prove I could.

And then, early on in the training I had another reason to run. On one cold, dark, early morning run in January I passed a girl on a bridge, about to jump. Somehow I persuaded her not to. It took words I can't remember and a physical struggle I’ll never forget. Once I knew she was safe, I carried on and finished my run and decided I had to raise money for the Samaritans. From that one occasion of stepping up, I suffered flashbacks & PTSD. I don’t think I’ll ever find bridges easy to cross again. Once, and I was a mess. The Samaritans do that ALL THE TIME – I couldn’t. But I could run and I can write and cajole and plead that even if you can spare 'only' one pound, it would be very gratefully received.

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