Blackmount wander

Last night's camp in Coire Ba had been excellent, with the sun hitting the tent at 5am, the flysheet was all but dry from the overnight dew by the time I set off at 7am.

What followed was the hardest day in the hills I've had for a long time. All my own choosing so only myself to blame.

I first ascended steeply up the Sron nam Forsair (literally the Forester's nose) to cross the Munro top of Clach Leathad (1099m) before dropping west over the Corbett of Beinn Mhic Chasgaig. Then very steeply down to a lowly 200m before climbing back up to the next Corbett of Stob Dubh at 883m. Five hours in, I was already nackered, but now a loong way from the car back at Victoria Bridge.

I descended south, to the 362m bealach below the next hill the ascent of which broke the camel's back. Eventually, after a snail's pace ascent I reached the wide ridge leading for four kilometres to the Munro of Stob Ghabhar, but by the time I reached its subsidiary top, I'd had enough and decided to drop directly to Clashgour and the track to the car. 10hours, 2250m ascent, 28km.

My legs were like lead and my feet in a bit of a state as I arrived at the car. I think my mind was in a stupor aswell; having removed my boots and socks, I closed the car boot with the keys inside with the doors locked! What a numpty.

Some frantic trying of doors followed, a lot of swearing and mincing about in bare feet on the car park gravel. The midges began to bite my legs and feet. After five minutes of panic, I somehow managed to open the boot (don't ask).

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