Giving this a go...

By Debiives


Another beautiful and very hot day today. Andrew went to the childminder's for the day and after coming with me to the dentist I took Cameron to Guildford for a rugby training camp. While he was there I went for a cycle round the Surrey 'hills'. 23 miles through some lovely villages and nice countryside. Only complaint was the horrendous potholes and road surfaces on a lot of the roads.
After the cycle I went for a 3 mile run. It was very slow as it was very hot and my legs were getting tired.
Then I did a food shop which took a lot of willpower as I hadn't had lunch. Shopping when hungry isn't a good idea! Then lunch in the sun, read my book for half an hour and then collected Cameron and then Andrew.

Oh and had a funny moment this morning when one of the neighbours asked if I was in Team GB as I was wearing my Team GB cycling top! And I ran past the Harlequins Rugby Union team (they train where C's rugby thing was) and they were all looking at me and whispering to each other!

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