Prawn free
No snow. Just rain. Busy day ferrying kids about to various clubs and getting the house ready for visitors and babysitters. Seems a bit mean to leave my sister and, after she's gone, our sitter with no heating (yes, it is well and truly caput until the nice man comes out next week to umm and errr and tell us it's broken). Anyway, we're heading off to a drafty old castle in Ireland so I'm sure they'll be warmer here than we will be there.
Here's a cook-in with Mr B. His famous prawn stir fry. Famous to me because it means I don't have to cook. For afters, chocolate eclairs and too much Pedro Ximenez sherry. Yum.
I may have time to squeeze in a quick Friday blip before we leave, otherwise it'll be some hungover back-blipping on Sunday.
Here's a question for you to consider in my absence: is it sad or pragmatic to plan for hangovers?
Have a lovely weekend, y'all.
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