Extraordinary Camouflage

.... of the Purple Emperor caterpillars. What a privilege to be taken by Guy Padfield ( http://www.guypadfield.com ) to see 4 of these individuals, (Svapna, Kanthaka, Kisāgotamī and Rāhula) that he has been watching for 10 months! They will form their chrysalises in the next 10 days and then transform into the iconic Purple Emperors. Lots of hungry birds with chicks to feed, are in the trees searching out juicy caterpillars so they need all the camouflage they can get! Can you see the caterpillar in the extra photo?

Time to get back to your journals tomorrow, I have finally edited over 700 photos of last week's wedding, in Lightroom. Now I just have to work out how to put them onto a stick for the bride and groom!

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