It's Grim Up North

And they were only talking about North East England! They should have gone another 400 miles and they'd find out what grim is all about.

1. Choose Peterhead. Like you would choose to have nits, rickets or leprosy.

2. A new culinary experience for me. A 'mealy pie'. Take a scot's pie case and dribble the base with gravy & mince, top with a generous helping of mealy. 'What's mealy?' I hear you ask. Well imagine something with the appearance, texture and taste of greasy sawdust and you're pretty much there. The first bite was a journey. I would have given the rest to the seagulls but...see 3.

Now if the great British Bake Off ever wanted a challenge to make a mealy pie appetizing edible! The bakers where I made the purchase also made lasagne pies (yep, scot's pie casing). I have it on good authority that they are 'boufin'!

3. Do Not Feed The Seagulls. You don't have to, they'll snatch it from you. Peterhead seagulls are big and brutish. Don't feed them!

4. Somebody gave them chips! The chips were a mere starter, the person who threw them down was set upon by the gulls and devoured before he could make it to his car. All that was left were the toggles from his duffle coat. The locals didn't give a second glance.

5. When the gulls see food through a window they will sit and peck at the glass to get at it. This is a true story, a German friend of mine, on her first visit to Peterhead, bought a sandwich and thought nothing of strolling down the High Street whilst eating it. She was beset with hungry gulls and had to be rescued by locals who bundled her into the safety of a nearby shop.

6. To commemorate all that is Peterhead they have erected a bronze of a "pair puggled trauchled quine". Which I think is rather appropriate.

In fairness I didn't see it at it's best. Nearly June and it was Baltic. Really cold & windy. So windy it nearly blew the mealy from my pie. I feel sorry for the place, it just seems to have had the stuffing knocked out of it, what with fishing in decline and the oil and gas problems. No wonder St Fergus Sang the Blues.

Tomorrow - Buckie, Elgin, Nairn and Spean Bridge.

Spean Bridge? Nearest accommodation I can get to Fort William - there is apparently a world mountain bike malarkey on. 

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