Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

The Torch

I feel lucky that I've had two chances to photograph the relay. Today it was going through Finchley - right past our offices. The crowds were fantastic, it was astonishingly busy.

I wanted to see if I could capture a bit of that feeling as well as the torchbearer. I don't know who this chap is but he really looked like he was enjoying his moment in the spotlight. (Might be better large.)

I was also amused by the entourage including the flag-waving, whistle-blowing girls in the entourage. They seem to be full of enthusiasm even on day 68.

Are they good actors? - Do they need intravenous Tequila at the end of the day? - Are they genuinely thrilled by it all? Which scenario is the most worrying?

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