Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Gardening club

A wild night, with rain and wind, was followed by a very grey, and often rainy day.  There were floods and trees down.  Bit of a contrast to many of the images on Blip from other parts of the country.

Waiting in this morning for a "computer bod" to return my laptop, hopefully now working a bit faster.  He was late, due to road delays.  He seems to have done a good job, and gave some advice on my desktop - which is currently running on Vista.  He's taken away W's old laptop to see if he can resuscitate it.

The advice from the expert was that the processor and RAM on my desktop would allow me to upgrade to 64 bit Windows 7 (and thence possibly to Windows 10), but since I am currently running 32 bit Vista, I need to do a "clean" upgrade, and therefore need to have backed up all my documents.  Spent the afternoon faffing - trying and failing to back up the desktop - not sure what happened, but I'll try again tomorrow.

Then a phone call to tell me that orchestra was cancelled due to illness of the conductor, so instead I went with W to his gardening club.  We had a talk by someone called Caroline, surname never mentioned, from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.  She had some lovely slides of various wildlife.  W bought 4 raffle tickets (more to support the club funds than for the prizes) - all 4 were drawn, but we stopped taking prizes after the first 2.  The talk has stimulated me to join the NWT - W was previously a member, but lapsed, and I had never got around to joining - well, I have now!

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