The Daily Record

By havohej

Braindead No Consequences

Braindead 'No Consequences' (Burnbridges 2008)

A hint for record shops; put a label on a record describing the band as sounding like Texas is the Reason and muggins here will buy it.

Braindead really don't sound like the Reason but they do have some similarities; the drums possess a bombast not disimilar to Chris Daly's masterful heavy hitting power and there are melodies which are on the same flight path as Samiam's, but overall it's much too hardcore to properly stand up to such lofty comparisons.

A more useful comparison might be American Nightmare or Boy Sets Fire with slight hints of the gruffness of Hot Water Music. On side two Braindead stretch the melodic hardcore template by introducing elements of epic post rock with 'Dear Alison' sounding like one of Callisto's monumental soundscapes. 'A Wake from a Dream' ends the LP on a very high note ratcheting up the emotions and layers of guitar before descending into a cacophony of distortion.

This is a really great hardcore record that ticks all the right boxes for me and I really enjoy listening to it every time I put it on. Two excellent records in a row - who would have thunk it!?


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