The Travellist's journal

By TheTravellist

Drive to Brisbane, fly to Malaysia

We said our goodbyes and our group parted ways. I drove Paul, an honorary member of our group, to Noosa. We found a nice spot by the beach and cooked lunch using most of the food I had left in my camper van.

I left Paul and continued driving south to Brisbane where I returned my camper van with about half an hour to spare. I got a train to Gold Coast airport and arrived three hours before my flight. I already had my boarding pass printed out, so I relaxed in the lounge and used as much of my 4G data from my phone as I could. I went to my gate and had to go through a second security section and discovered that my AirAsia boarding pass wasn't actually a boarding pass, despite the email telling me it was. I had to go back to the check-in desk (just like I did over a year ago at the same airport) but all the desks were closed. I started to panic and approached the first member of staff I found. By complete chance, she happened to be on her way to the same gate. She radioed ahead and asked someone to print me out a boarding pass.

It was pretty stressful but it all worked out. I'm blaming AirAsia.

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