Rooftops of Prague

There had been rain overnight but we woke to another warm, sunny day. So, we took the opportunity to climb the Powder Tower and take in the views.. All 186 steps!!... Mr C huffed and puffed a bit and it was a lot easier going back down :-D

We then walked back over Charles Bridge to explore the other side, lovely. We passed lots of their parliament buildings too. Heading back we decided to have a leisurely lunch on a stationary restaurant boat. An Italian restaurant, the food was lovely and the views were great. Sitting on the top deck with heavy duty canopies and conservatory style doors it was lovely.... Until the storm clouds rolled in! Thunder, lightening and lots and lots of rain. We had just finished our main course when we were asked to move to the downstairs restaurant. Understandably, the torrential rain was coming through and the wind had picked up to. By the time we had eaten our dessert, supped our coffee, the storm had moved on and we could walk back to our hotel.

We relaxed back at the hotel for a couple of hours before our taxi collected us to take us to the airport.

Prague has been a lovely city to visit, great weather (both storms we were sheltered in restaurants!!!), friendly people, cheap beer.... But not so good on the food.

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