It's Grim Up North

By lynnfot


(NB, this photo wasn't taken at home.)

We work in an office-cum-studio in our back garden.  A few weeks ago we espied a pair of ducks on the roof. Much of the roof is covered with a trailing hydrangea.
A couple of days ago the dog, who is a serious hunting machine, started sniffing the air in the garden. He then attempted to climb up the side of the office. When he discovered that he didn't have the relevant skills, he sat on the grass and barked......very loudly...... and for such a long time that he had to be confined to the house to make him stop.
This morning G discovered the dog with a mouth full of duckling. Later this morning the mother landed on the grass followed by eight more ducklings. They are now floating on our next door neighbour's very small, much leaking garden pond. 
This isn't going to end well.

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